"le monde à l'envers". quatre
"le monde à l'envers". quatre
October 10, 2020
8 cm x 6 cm
Pen on paper
"Le monde à l'envers" is an artwork that evokes contemplation, presenting a powerful depiction of a dystopian planet Earth suspended in space. In this thought-provoking piece, a hand made of melting material emerges from the center of the planet, pulling out layers that symbolize the unraveling of our world. The title, "The world upside down," conveys a sense of disarray and challenges the viewer to question the current state of affairs.
The melting hand serves as a central metaphor, representing the arduous process of growth and progress. It suggests that addressing the pressing issues of our time requires confronting uncomfortable truths and engaging in the necessary work. With each layer being revealed, the artwork exposes a different cause or root of a global problem, inviting viewers to introspect and contemplate their own roles in effecting positive change.
The use of layers adds depth and complexity to the composition, emphasizing the interconnectedness of various global issues. It suggests that addressing one problem alone is not enough; a holistic approach is needed to tackle the multifaceted challenges facing our world. "Le monde à l'envers" prompts viewers to reflect on the current state of our planet and consider how they can contribute to creating a brighter future.
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