Ilunga's "Alien Invaders" series showcases the immigrant experience, with a specific focus...
This series originated as a collection of photographs, which in turn inspired...
Ilunga's drawings serve as a profound expression of her quest to comprehend...
Ilunga's artworks offer a glimpse into her exploration of the self and...
Ilunga's collection of drawings is an artistic endeavor that seeks to capture...
Ilunga's inspiration for her artwork comes from the metaphorical connection between water...
Ilunga's series of drawings serves as a compelling testament to her quest...
Ilunga's drawings are an exploration of African history and evolution, using contemporary...
Ilunga, a multifaceted artist, skillfully navigates the realms of painting, drawing, and...
Ilunga's artistic series explores the profound depths of human existence, blending elements...
Ilunga's portrait series serves as a critique of the commodification and colonial...
Ilunga's series "Moi, Magnifique, Skin Noir, Darkie Meech" is a collection of...
"Numero," 2018 is a series of oil paintings that explores the complexities...
Ilunga's art practice centers on exploring the nuances of the self and...
Special Offer: Enjoy a 15% discount on all 'Shadow Work' framed artworks!...
Ilunga's art practice in 2019 revolved around her personal journey of self-discovery...
Ilunga's paintings are a visual representation of the emotions and experiences that...