Ndaya as a Demon
Ndaya as a Demon
August 10, 2020
42 cm x 33,5 cm
Pencil on Fabriano paper
Capturing the essence of Ilunga's exploration of religious symbolism, 'Ndaya as a Demon' presents a striking portrait. In this piece, Ilunga adopts the persona of a demon, complete with devilish horns, intricately pierced pointed ears, and an extended tongue that splits like a serpent's.
This powerful imagery delves into Ilunga's personal connection with religious theories, shaped by her African upbringing. Growing up in a deeply religious environment, especially within her own family, she experienced the labeling of anything outside of Roman Catholicism as 'demonic.' This upbringing cast a shadow of paranoia and inner conflict upon her consciousness.
However, 'Ndaya as a Demon' signifies her journey of self-discovery and liberation. It symbolizes the realization that the notion of being 'demonic' was a false narrative propagated by African parents to mold their children into a predetermined mold. Through this artwork, Ilunga confronts and challenges the fears and perceptions that once held her captive, embracing a newfound sense of self and autonomy.
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