Portrait of David
Portrait of David
September 4, 2023
42 cm x 33,5 cm
Pencil on Fabriano Paper
Ilunga's portrayal of David pays homage to the meticulous drawings by Da Vinci associated with the creation of the iconic statue of David. In our contemporary society, this statue has come to symbolize the epitome of physical perfection and the pinnacle of Greek magnificence.
This artwork serves as a commentary on the inadvertent and unrealistic standards we have imposed upon ourselves, measuring ourselves against these ethereal figures sculpted from precious stone and marble. Is it not absurd to feel the need to compete with such an idealized representation? Perhaps, it's a testament to an artist's unwavering passion and immense talent that has bestowed timeless significance upon the statue of David.
Above all, it's a reminder to recognize both our strengths and weaknesses, for when left unchecked, they can potentially become our greatest vulnerabilities.
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