To experience the high - you must experience the equivalent low
To experience the high - you must experience the equivalent low
August 3, 2023
42cm x 33.5 cm
Pencil on Fabriano paper
In this composition, the figure takes a slightly off-center stance, leaning toward the left side of the frame. They appear to be dressed in a shirt paired with a kimono, leaving their legs exposed. The left arm tightly enfolds the body, offering a self-embrace while concealing the hand nestled between the kimono and the shirt.
In contrast, the right arm is raised, indicating that the headless figure may be wiping away tears. The smudged style employed throughout the triptych serves to unify the pieces and conveys a sense of erasure, akin to the intensity of one's emotions, particularly those that are hard to articulate or even worse - to swallow.
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